Please note that all of the below general info and property management links are external links and will redirect you to another web site.
Condominium Links (inc. govt)
- Ontario Human Rights Code
- Condominium Act, 1998 (ontario)
- Condominium Management Services Act (ontario)
- New Home Warranties Plan Act (ontario)
- TARION registration (ontario)
- Association of Condominium Managers (ACMO)
- Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI)
- Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO)
- Canadian Alliance for Condominium Owners Rights
- Condos for Sale (
- Newspaper Columnist re Condominium Issues (toronto star)
- A Case of Privacy Breach (canada)
Landlord Links (inc. govt)
- RTA – Residential Tenancies Act
- Renting: your-rights (ontario)
- Standard Form of Lease (ontario)
- Municipal Affairs & Housing (ontario)
Government Links
- Government of Ontario
- Service Canada
- Government of Canada
- Parliament
- Members of Parliament
- Residential Tenancies Act, 2006
- Ministry of Community and Social Services
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Green Links
- Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- Electricity Prices (smart meter OFF, MID and ON peak Prices)
- Natural Gas Rates
- Water Conservervation Tips
Information Links
- Telephone Directory (411)
- Yellow Pages
- Postal Codes (Canada Post)
- Search for Doctors
- Search your Neighbourhood at
other Informational & Govt Links
- Labour Relations Act (ontario)
- Employment Standards Act (ontario)
- Pay Equity Act (ontario)
- Employer Health Tax Act (ontario)
- Occupational Health and Safety Act (ontario)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (ontario)
- Building Code Act (ontario)
- Elevating Devices Act (ontario)
- Fire Marshals Act (ontario)
Although we use reasonable efforts to maintain the accuracy of the above links, we kindly ask for your assistance in advising us if any of the links are out of date by contacting us.